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Cookie Policy

This website is operated and maintained by Nexa Resources S.A., 26-28 Rue Edward Steichen Luxembourg L-2540. We use cookies on this website. This cookie policy aims at informing you about what information we collect as a result of our use of cookies, how we process it, why we do so and when we share it with others.

General information on how we process personal data is available in our Terms of Use.

If you have any question or comment regarding the Website, please feel free to contact us.

1. What are cookies?

Cookies are small data files that we and our service providers store on the device you use to browse our website such as your computer, smartphone, tablet or smart TV. Some cookies are stored only for the period during which your internet browser remains active (session cookies) and others for a longer period of time (persistent cookies).

We explain below how you can delete, block or disable cookies through your internet browser settings but note that all or some features of our website and the services we propose may then not work correctly (or simply require that you input information previously provided when visiting our website again).

2. Why do we use cookies?

We use cookies to keep information about your navigation on our website which help us improving your browsing experience and our communication with you. Some cookies are essential for the good functioning of our website and services.

Cookies allow us to collect information for different purposes. For example, we collect information on the type of device you use, its operating system and the internet browser you use so that we can adapt our content to display correctly. We collect information to remember your preferences (such as language and location) and about your communication with us. We also collect information to improve our communication with you, such as how you landed on our website, the pages you are visiting and the links you click, including in particular your IP address (that is the internet address allocated to your device from time to time).

3. What type of cookies do we use?

Technology evolves rapidly. We will update our cookie policy from time to time to reflect those changes but it may sometimes not be as relevant as we would hope. As at the date of this cookie policy, we use the following types of cookies.

Cookie type Cookie function
Essential process cookies They are absolutely necessary for the good functioning of our website and services. Without these cookies, we can for example not identify users and provide customised browsing or services, including secure access to certain areas of the website.
If disabled, you may not have access to secure areas or have to sign in again to access each page of that secure area. Cookies allow browsing several pages of a secure area without having to sign-in again during the same session.
Sometimes your IP address is essential to us in respect of certain services (that is the internet address allocated to your device from time to time
Functional cookies They allow us to operate or customize certain features of our website and services based on your choices or as requested by you.
For example, we keep information to remember your preferences and the choices made during your previous use of our website (such as language, location, look and feel), determine whether you have subscribed to certain services already or help make certain optional services or features to work.
Performance cookies They are used to collect information on your use of our website and services, on electronic communications, to analyse how our website and services work and report potential errors.
Such information helps us operating, maintaining and continuously improving our website and services.
Information collected includes for example the page you have visited before entering our website, the pages you are visiting on our website and the links you click.

4. Which cookies do we use and for what purposes?

We mainly use the cookies listed below for the following purposes.

Name/Domain of cookie Type of cookie Purpose
Nexa Essential process cookies Stores session data during the visit; temporary cookie
Nexa Functional cookies Sets the best size and format for viewing and browsing the site
Google Analytics Performance cookie Collects marketing analytics and statistics in view to improve our website and services.

5. What are third-party cookies and how are they used?

We or you may authorise third parties to install and use cookies to collect information about you when you navigate our website, such as for example to enable you to share information on your social media account.

We do not control how these cookies are installed, how they are used and how they use the information collected. You should refer to the terms and conditions and privacy policy of the third parties concerned, as follows (accept our apologies please if any link is broken; you can contact us to get the relevant missing information as the case may be).

Name of cookie/domain Provider Link to terms and conditions/privacy notice
_ga Google Analytics click here

6. What are your rights in relation to cookies?

General information on your rights in respect of personal data processing is available in our Terms of Use.

At any time, you can delete, block or disable first or third parties cookies through your browser settings but note that all or some features of our website and the services we propose may then not work correctly (or simply require that you input information previously provided when visiting our website again).

Depending on the internet browser you are using, you can delete selected cookies or all at once. Through your internet browser setting, you can block all or certain types of cookies, from certain or all websites.

To manage your internet browser settings, please go to the “Tools”/”Preference” and “Internet Option” menu/page or equivalent of your internet browser. Then look for the “Delete Internet History” “Privacy” or “Cookies” settings.

Due to the growing number of internet browsers available and the various versions supported, it is not easy to provide you with detailed information on how the above works for each of them. We invite you to visit the assistance or help available for the internet browser you are using for more information on how to manage your internet browser settings.

7. How you can obtain more information?

If you would like to receive more information on how we use cookies, please contact us.

8. How we will update this cookie policy?

Changes may occur in the way we use cookies. In case these changes oblige us to update this cookies policy, we will bring this to your attention and may do so in particular through our cookie banner or otherwise.

The most recent version is reproduced below:

“By closing this message, you consent to our cookies on this device in accordance with our cookie policy unless you have disabled them. You can change your cookie settings at any time but parts of our site will not function correctly without them”.